The ALCOTRA Italy – France 2007-2013 (Alpi Latine COoperazione TRAnsfrontaliera) programme encompasses the entire Alpine border between the two countries.

The general purpose of the Programme is to improve the quality of life of the people living in the area and to promote the sustainable development of cross-border economic territorial systems through cooperation in the social, economic, environmental and cultural fields.

ALCOTRA 2007 – 2013 is the fourth cooperation programme along the land border between Italy and France, and compared with former programmes, it implements a new procedure, the PIT (Cross-border integration plan); PITs are used to research and develop new territory projects with the aim of enhancing cross-border cooperation.

The ALCOTRA programme is financed by European Structural Funds which are instruments for the implementation of EU regional policies and which finance the multi-year programmes for regional development agreed upon by the European Commission, the Member States and the Regions.

To be more precise, the 2007 – 2013 ALCOTRA Programme has received a total contribution of 237.6 million Euros of which 149.7 million Euros from the European Regional development Fund (ERDF) and the rest from public funding and from self funding on the part of the beneficiaries.
