Le Montagne produit Qualità Feed Rss

29/01/2010 - 24/01/2012


MONTAGNEThe objective of the Le Montagne produit Qualità project is to implement tools and policies for the enhancement, promotion and dissemination in the territory, of quality products from the agricultural and food sector. The cross-border territory of the PIT “Monviso; l’uomo e le territoire” is characterized by the considerable importance of its farming sector, animal breeding and tourism. Farming in particular represents a primary economic resource. Quality products play a double role within this context: on the one hand they integrate and promote the tourist offer and the accommodation facilities and on the other they further the link between the local populations, the territory and the landscape.. The project has therefore been made to meet the growing demand for the promotion and the protection of local farm produce which is part of a wider demand for sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) of the territory in question.. In particular, there is a strong need to support local produce and local producers in their search for new markets which recognize the importance of short production chains, accessibility and visibility, high quality standards and the possibility of identifying the typicality of the product and of the territory overall.


MONTAGNE- Promoting local products on the basis of quality and through active participation of all stakeholders: producers, consumers, hotel and restaurant managers
- Networking farmers and accommodation facilities’ operators to encourage and strengthen the use of local farm produce in the area and in particular in a cross-border perspective.
- Creating promotional activities to enhance the visibility of local products among the wider public.

- Parco del Po Cuneese (Capofila)
- Parc naturel régional du Queyras
- Confederazione Italiana
- Agricoltori Cuneo
- Coldiretti Cuneo
- Unione Provinciale Agricoltori Cuneo
- Chambre d’Agriculture des Hautes-Alpes
- Comune di Melle